Reframe Your Story, for Growth


Footsteps, an organization that helps formerly ultra-Orthodox Jews make the transition to secular life, received extensive branding, marketing, and communications support that helped this small non-profit punch far above its weight. A monthly newsletter we conceptualized, designed, and wrote brought in a $1 million endowment; a new website gave the organization a bold look and a way to communicate with diverse audiences; and ongoing communications support kept the organization in the spotlight.

As the off-site marketing team, we created a marketing infrastructure, designed and built a website, and developed and executed the communications plan and materials. As s result, Footsteps more than doubled its budget, got media attention in leading news outlets including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, reached new donors and volunteers, and recruited more members.

If your organization needs ongoing support or high-level guidance to help achieve fundraising and publicity goals, Lizanne Hart Consulting can provide it.

Jennifer served as our off-site marketing department for four years, handling everything from our solicitation campaigns to the design, development, and content creation for our website overhaul. If you are trying to figure out what to do about marketing, look no further.
— Lani Santo, Chief Executive Officer

Footsteps supports and affirms individuals and families who have left, or are contemplating leaving, insular ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in their quest to lead self determined lives.

Every year, hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men and women attempt to explore the world beyond their insular communities. These courageous individuals struggle to redefine their lives despite punitive reactions from family and friends, little if any secular education, a lack of experience with modern gender roles, and, in some cases, a limited command of English.


Leverage an Anniversary to Pave the Way Forward